What's new ================================================================================ VERSION 24.1 SP1 (03.07.2024) ========================== NEW FEATURES ------------------ RESOLVED ISSUES ------------------ TECHNICAL INFORMATION --------------------- Server Version - 24.1 SP1 ( Database Version - 24110100 VERSION 24.1 RTM (02.07.2024) ========================== NEW FEATURES ------------------ RESOLVED ISSUES ------------------ TECHNICAL INFORMATION --------------------- Server Version - 24.1 RTM ( Database Version - 24110000 VERSION 24.1 RC1 (02.07.2024) ========================== NEW FEATURES ------------------ RESOLVED ISSUES ------------------ TECHNICAL INFORMATION --------------------- Server Version - 24.1 RC1 ( Database Version - 24108014 VERSION 24.1 RC0 (20.06.2024) ========================== NEW FEATURES ------------------ RESOLVED ISSUES ------------------ TECHNICAL INFORMATION --------------------- Server Version - 24.1 RC0 ( Database Version - 24108000 VERSION 24.1 CTP (20.06.2024) ========================== NEW FEATURES ------------------ * Domain API: Create a new view – InvoiceOrderLinesUnfulfilledView (36647) * Transfer Orders: New generation procedure - Create receipt Store order for the products remaining to be issued (LOG0212) (36726) * Store Order: New generation LOG0209 Create Warehouse Requisitions for further execution (manual) (36250) * Parties: Create New Front-end rule Only One Default Bank Account (35111) * Deals & Leads: Restrict access to records with access-key-secured references (36497) * Change namespaces for multiple entities in Systems (35911) * Web client: Profile Menu: Add an option to set Default Enterprise Company Location (36434) * LeaseContracts: GenerateSalesOrderFromLeaseContract to use the new field Number Of Periods (36774) * Party Relationships: Change the entity's Default Display Text Format (36155) * Warehouse Orders: Execute Assign Worker UI for multiple rows (36785) * Lease Contract Lines: Create new recalc expression - Set Number of Periods (36679) * Logistics Document Lines: Load the product when creating a new lot from lines (34871) * Social Groups: Display Confirmation prompt before deleting a file (36578) * Assistant Conversations: Change default display format to {Title} (36847) * Site Manager: Specify server on which to start each web site (36731) * AI Assistant (36437) * DomainAPI: CurrentBalances to include only base cost. Add new view CurrentBalancesAdjustedCosts for adjusted costs (36535) * WMS Worker: Add new context menu (36735) * WMS Worker: SCAN field in the Lines list always to be focused (36502) * Warehouse Workers: New Unique Index by WarehouseId/UserId (36816) * Case Developments (35899) * Managed Assets: Panels Fixed Asset, Rental Asset, Vehicle and Service Object to be added for Desktop Client (36839) * Transaction Lines: Create new recalc expression - Set Number of Periods (36690) * LeadsUserStages: Add field "Active" in definition and filtering (36215) * Store Transaction: New UI function "Adjust Base Costs" (36771) * WMS: RequireSourceScan policy to start looking the WMS Worker memory (35912) * Requisitions: Hide "Suggest replenish" function from UI (36814) * Desktop Client: Redesign of loading animation, loading screen, and ribbon (36703) * Users: Email Confirmed to be Read-only field (35975) * Logistic documents: Add new functional panel for Customer - Products (36405) * Server Manager: Database: Change "URL Name" to "Unique Instance Name (UIN)" (36727) * Reconciliation Counts: Add New Fields (36826) * Lease Contract Lines: Create new recalc expression - Set Time Period Type (36777) * Inventory Control: Stop operation continuation when Enterprise company, Location, Language or Store is changed (35889) * Workflow Routes: Adjust functionality of crucial fields (36264) * Warehouse Workers: The person field to be Read-only field (36660) * Payment Types: Delete index IX_Cash_Payment_Types_Table (35970) * Rental Assets: Time Period Type field - change the hint (36776) * Inventory Control: Use the Document Type from Routes to create a new document (36381) * Lease Contract Lines: Add new field - Time Period Type (36775) * License keys for new modules (36656) * Marketing Campaigns: Manage access permissions via access keys (36492) * Documents: Create a new back-end business rule – CheckAssignedUserType (36712) * Store Transaction: Add a new value "Adjustment" to enum "Cost Source" (36701) * WMS Worker: Redesign Order's list screen (36698) * Web Client: The option Collapse all groups not to collapse all groups at once time (36564) * Web Client: A new UI function - Change Typе (36206) * WMS Worker: Redesign Summary Lines Screen (36700) * Documents: The drop-down list of the 'Assigned To User' field to be filtered by User Type (36707) * WMS Worker: Access to Warehouses to start loking User field instead of Person (36618) * Activities: Create a new business rule – NotifyActivityParticipantsUponAssignment (36627) * Inventory Control: Disallow counting a product from another product group (36583) * Leads: Selfrefresh the form after completion of UI function Create opportunity (36613) * Reconciliation: Create new UI function - Calculate reconciliation, based on the counts (35846) * Dealers: Add a new field Is_Active (36630) * Company Employees: Add a new field Is_Active (36505) * Activity Participants: Create a new back-end business rule – CheckUserType (36718) * Rental Transaction Lines: Add new field - Number of Periods (36680) * Lease Contract Lines: Add new field - Number of Periods (36670) * Documents: The "Assigned To User" field to become editable via Adjustment document (36636) * Rental Assets: Create new values for the Time Period Type field (36666) * Campaigns: Add new field Is_Active (36285) * Communities_Notifications: Create a new back-end rule "ValidateNotificationClass" (35312) * Web Sites: Unified system to check the access permissions to be introduced (34977) * New license keys to allow managing of multiple enterprise companies (36652) * Rental Assets: Create a new business rule -Enterprise Company Field Is Required (36635) * Warehouse Workers: Create a new Back-end business rule - Check User Type (36676) * Lease Contracts: Assets Status panel to be filtered by current Enterprise Company (36614) * Logistic Unit: New Web UI function – Create multiple LUNs (36386) * Group Members: Add only active users and only "Internal User", "Virtual User No Login" User Type (36592) * Customers: Exclude Void and Adjustment documents from the list in a Report panel, opened in a customer definition (36079) * Activity Participants: Create a new business rule - SetParticipantPerson (36612) * Activity Participants: Add a new field – User (36606) * Reconciliation Counts: Create a New Business Rule – CountedProductQuantityUnitValidation (36521) * Activity Participants: Create a new business rule - SetUser (36610) * Warehouse Worker: Create a new Back-end business rule - Set Person (36650) * Warehouse Workers: Create a new business rule - User Field Is Required (36645) * My Documents: Add default filter: Void is equal to False (36500) * My Documents: Make it more usable for approval workflows (36674) * Update edition-based restrictions to licensing (36693) * Chronological Statement: Throw an error when trying to load data filter by more than 10 accounts (36585) * Navigators: Allow column position, called "Full row" (36604) * Warehouse Workers: Add new field "User" (36597) * Calculated Attributes: Create a new operator – IFERROR (36559) * FiscalReceiptTemplates: New field Template Kind (36622) * Rental Assets: Rename the time period type "Days" to "Overnight stays" (36605) * Warehouse Workers: New Update Procedure (36617) * Warehouse Workers: Create a new Front-End business rule - Set Person (36601) * Store Transactions: Releasing of a document with yestеrday‘s date to make an availability check for today only (36576) * Web client: Side panel to manage entity access permissions (36072) * Reports: Speedup reports by automatically filtering the documents table by the correct entity name (36411) * Accounting: Add a Definition of account in Trial Balance Detailed and in The Balance Summary (36553) * Client Center: Add "Files" Panel in Invoice document (36051) * Doc site: Add a logo (36560) * MS Sync: Synchronize Deletion of Events/Activities between Calendars (36349) * Web Client: Change the logo (36429) * Reconciliation Counts: Add system calculated attribute "Product Name" (36519) * Reconciliation Counts: Delete button "New Reconciliation Count" from Home menu (36528) * Chats: Change vision of inactive Chats panel opened in Navigator (36212) * Client Center: Improvements in the grid control functionality of all navigators (36304) * User Business Rules: Add new System variable expressions for events Statechanged and Statechanging (36356) * Activity Participants: Add Email field in order to better sync with external services (36484) * Documents: Create a new business rule – NotifyAssignedToUserForUpdate (35940) * Fleet Vehicles: Create a new business rule - Vehicle And Managed Asset Enterprise Company Are Equal (36440) * Fixed Assets: Add a new field - Managed Asset (36400) * Object Category: Identify Object Category field of Entity in Model documentation (36496) * Service Objects: Add a new field - Managed Asset (36412) * Rental Assets: Add a new field - Managed Asset (36410) * Fixed Assets: Create a new business rule - Fixed Asset And Managed Asset Enterprise Company Are Equal (36423) * Object Files: Add a new field – Access Permission (36044) * Vehicles: Add new field - Enterprise Company (36394) * Calculated Attributes: A dropdown list with values for the selected parameters in the lines to be displayed (35879) * Training Conversations: New aggregate in AI projects (35905) * Web Client: User Business Rules: Add a drop-down list with values for Attribute field in Conditions panel (36362) * Service Objects: Create a new business rule - Service Object And Managed Asset Enterprise Company Are Equal (36453) * Rental Assets: Create a new business rule - Rental Asset And Managed Asset Enterprise Company Are Equal (36433) * Assignment Notifications: Bind the business rules to both Commit and Committed event triggers (36460) * Social Comments&Reactions: Notifications Business Rules: Change the Event trigger from Commit to Committed (36455) * Create AI Assistant object after each successful model compilation (36456) * Fleet Vehicles: Add a new field - Managed Asset (36402) * WMS Worker: Display the same string as set in Key Value in config option OrderDisplayFormat, inside the Warehouse Order (36151) * Social Comments: R33417 NotifyAllObjectFollowers: Change the Event trigger from Commit to Committed (36454) * То Do: Create a new business rule- Check User Rights On Task Creation And Editing (36338) * Activities: Create a new business rule- Check User Rights On Activity Creation And Editing (36336) * LineDiscounts: Create a new Business Rule - ThruDateIsGreaterThanOrEqualToFromDate (36144) * WebSites: Change Web Sites entity's Default Display Text Format (36339) * Documents: Create a new business rule – NotifyAssignedToUserUponAssignment (35922) * Users: Create New Desktop / Web UI function – Confirm Email (35961) * Web Client: Add [Void] or [Adjustment] in the display text of documents when appropriate (36191) * Code in ProductTypes is not unique (35952) * Reconciliation: Show the UI function in Desktop - Calculate reconciliation, based on the counts (35864) * Social Groups: Add new Member type - Observer (36255) * Parties: New unique index for Party Code (35981) * Web client: Add sorting in all detail panels of the forms (36373) * Business Rules: Assignment Notifications: Change the Event trigger from Commit to Committed (36135) * Print fiscal receipts based on templates (35390) * Chat: Remember this (in the AI model) (36301) * Document flow: Hide Void, Adjustments and Transitional Documents from default list in panel Document flow (36122) * Product Supply panel: Button for Suggest replenish for each product (36322) * DocumentType: Printouts: Create new fields FiscalReceiptTemplate and PrintoutType (36186) * Object Files: Hide files with Only Me access (36047) * Security Groups: Add a functional panel Users in the Menu of the Group (36150) * Web Client Navigator: Open grouped row with click anywhere on the row (36291) * Web Client: Make the close button appear when switching from view to edit mode (36313) * Jobs: J30777: Failed documents to be saved in temporary memory in order to skip processing them (36277) * Exec Stats DMV should display numeric columns in N0 format (35910) * Logistic documents: New Functional panel - Supply methods (36209) * Web Client: Display UI functions in navigators (35645) * Navigators: Filter by (me), (current) and (empty) for the applicable attributes (36244) * Reconciliation Counts: Show the entity in Desktop (35803) * Current Stock Holds: Add "Parties-Stores" reference in Filtering panel of Navigator (36140) * Instance manager: New tile and page "Compute Resource" (35775) * Navigators: Correction of Relative Expressions in Date Filters (36237) * Home: Database Info tile: Add new row that show the free space in the database (36204) * Web Client: Void Document visual indication in status bar (36182) * Document Type Routes: Remove Status Adjustment from drop-down menu (35810) * Client Center: Improvements in the grid control functionality of navigator Invoices (36005) * Reconciliation Counts: Create a new Front-End rule - Set Creation User (35917) * Jobs: J30777: Information messages: Change the message type and the message when the job is canceled (36070) * Compilations to use Training Conversations (36178) * Excise Stamp Operations: Create a new business rule The Excise Stamp Range Does Not Overlap With Previously Used Ranges (35932) * Create Hosting Manager Home and Instances pages (35790) * Web Client: Set a null value in a string field in case all characters in that field are deleted (36124) * Quick access menu: Remove Remote Support via TeamViewer option (35860) * Chatter: Supports pasting images in chat (35695) * Offer Lines: "Line Standard Discount Percent" field to become read-only (36192) * Lead: Rename some system states (36185) * Case Developments: Change the entity's Default Display Text Format (36068) * Client Center: Add Customer Profile tab in the main menu (36018) * Products: Panel Promotional Package Lines to be added for Desktop Client (36041) * Global search: Reduce the scope of the search to speed it up (35758) * Implement "Microsoft Sync" site for calendar (34384) * Record printing of documents in web client, client center & domain API (35518) * Ability to edit MarkDown text attributes (36003) * Purchase Product Prices: Add a new field – а reference to Company Locations (36088) * Change TrackChanges to use less space and cpu (36120) * Hosting Manager: Create page Plans (35792) * Hosting Manager: Create page Provisioning (35791) * Product Prices: Change the entity's Default Display Text Format (36137) * Purchase Product Prices: Change the entity's Default Display Text Format (36126) * Client Center: Add titles in navigators and documents (35956) * Client Center: Remove State fields from navigators (36081) * Document Prints: Log an information message if more than 20000 records are loaded at the time a printout is printed (35713) * Excise Stamp Operations Lines: Create a new front - end business rule Set Quantity From Start and End Numbers (Recalc) (35557) * Document Print Images: Change the algorithm for tracking print images (35687) * Single entity: Always hide reference attribute for sub-entities (36001) * Opportunities: Create a new front-end business rule – SetResponsiblePerson (35963) * Support Azure Marketplace Add-Ons and Add-On instances (35831) * Users: Create a new Back-End rule - Set Email Confirmed to False on Email change (35969) * Documents: Create a new business rule – NotifyAssignedToUserForStateChange (35927) * ToDo Tasks: Create a new business rule - NotifyAssignedToUserUponAssignment (35962) * Improve single entity form, part 2 (35868) * Leads: Create a new business rule - NotifyAssignedToSalesPersonUponAssignment (35980) * Client Center: Changes to Displayed Fields in Navigators (35885) * Inventory Control: Planned Reconcile (35771) * Leads: Create a new business rule – NotifyAssignedToSalesPersonForUpdate (35958) * ToDo Tasks: Create a new business rule - NotifyAssignedToUserForUpdate (35951) * My Documents: New app (35986) * QueryTranslator: The 'Order' clause is not respected when using 'Select_By_*' (35913) * Automatically fill the relation field, when a related entity is created from "Related data" report panel (35870) * Navigators: Set period expressions in date filters (35888) * Activity: Create a new business rule SetOwnerParty (35923) * Documents: Create a new back-end business rule – SetAssignedToUser (35902) * Activity: Create a new business rule SetResponsibleParty (35924) * Documents: Create a new front-end business rule – SetAssignedToUser (35900) * Documents: Show Assigned To User field in the UI (35896) * Document Types: Add a new field – Track Print Images (35686) * Navigators: Grouping & Summary enhancements, part 2 - interval grouping, distinct count, etc. (35841) * Invite the first user (35894) * Desktop client: Services:Types of services to be listed according to Display Text Format settings (35856) * Leads: Create new business rule - SetAssignedToSalesPerson (35811) * Modernize the licensing system (35595) * AISET: Casting and conversion support from a String to MultilanguageString (35869) * Case Numbers (35897) * Activity reminder notifications to be migrated to stored notifications (35301) * Inventory Control:Planned Reconcile - Rename button Finish to Close (35886) * Implement user invitations (35702) * Licenses: Change purpose of license X07 to "Use desktop client" (35468) * Reconciliation Counts: Read-only fields (35823) * Reconciliation: Add New Field ReconciliationType (35838) * Desktop client: Add Open in Navigator button in Report panels (35660) * Renew and upgrade Server Manager (35760) * Users: Create a new business rule - Password Required Except Virtual And Application Users (35716) * AI Model: Create a new business rule SetAddedByUser (35777) * When an APP server is connected to Azure, it should not require server licenses (35817) * Jobs: Create a new job - Delete old history data for attribute changes (35666) * Create initial Hosting Manager skeleton (35789) * Procedures: Change the info displayed in Server Manager while Change documents state is executing (35571) * Create Azure Marketplace integration resources (34357) * Track Changes: Change the algorithm for tracking attribute changes (for documents) (35682) * Instance Manager: Add page for aggregate information about Sys_Audit_Log_Entries table (35741) * Grouping & Summary: Enhancements (35582) * Client Center: Remove the column with download buttons from the invoices navigator (35751) * Client Center: New Json setting for show/hide lines (35743) * Reconcilation Counts: Create new entity (35739) * Instance Manager: Add page for aggregate information about Sys_Object_Files table (35694) * Custom Properties: Add a new field - Is_Active (35614) * Server: Load database list from Azure (35700) * Inventory control: Select the product from the info panel (35727) * Show exceptions & validation fails in a more user friendly manner (32459) * ExcisePurposeCodes & ExciseProducts: Increase the size of the Name fields to 500 characters (35724) * Persons: Maximum symbols in the National Number field to be (string (16) nullable) (35670) * WMS Worker: Execution lines Quantity screen - Move the Unit field next to Quantity field (35640) * Document Types: Add a new field - Track Attribute Changes (35681) * Specify the data attribute for all Validation constraints (and wherever it is required) (35341) * Instance Manager: Add a new column Year in detail table reports (35629) * Navigators: Select multiple rows (35662) * Instance Manager: Default Sorting in tables (35650) * All Entities: Create a new business rule Validate Required Attributes (35328) * AISET - create new BR operator (35634) * User business rules: Create a new parameter type - INTERPOLATE (35659) * WMS: New config opiton /WMS/WMS-Worker/OrderDisplayFormat (35577) * WMS Worker: Show Standard Quantity in the Execution lines Quantity screen (35639) * Sales Person: Create a new Back-End rule - Check Enterprise Company Location (35471) * Document Navigators: Sort by Document Date DESC by default (35598) * AIVALIDATE/AIWARNING - new BR actions (35637) * WMS Worker: Show Total Quantity Base in the Order Summary (35601) * WMS Worker: Show the total entered quantity (35609) * Warehouse Order: New Web UI function - Assign Worker (35627) * Printouts: Avoid loading and storing the results of unnecessary data source queries (35588) * Stop building the x86 and POS variants of Windows Client (35610) * Web client: Add Open in Navigator button in Report panels (35544) * Inventory Control: Transfer (35533) * WMS Worker: Enter quantities without "*" (35551) * EntitySettings: Increase the length of DisplayTextFormat field to 128 (35578) * Create DATESPAN/DATEDIFF operators (35412) * Better enhance the panel names (34888) * Provide system message to the chat bot (35561) * Chat with the model (35378) * Social Follows: Create a new business rule DoNotAllowFollowingOfNonFollowableEntities (35543) * Switch to using provider from the referenced table Providers (35546) * System Security Permissions: Optimize saving changes and eliminate the Cancel button. (35056) * Providers: New setting in AI projects (35483) * Legal_BG: Excise: New section and function "Initial setup" (35118) RESOLVED ISSUES ------------------ * Web Client: Error is thrown when trying to open My Documents (36879) * Desktop Client: Can not open a definition trough a reference field (36886) * Assistant conversations: Apostrophe is shown in ASCII code in field Title after conversation generation (36881) * AI Assistant: Wrong model name in error message (36878) * Lease Contracts-Lines-Consumables Navigator: An error is thrown when trying to load data (36863) * Web Client: The Detail panel Locations must be renamed (36857) * Document flow: unexpected text "using Aloe.EnterpriseOne.Model.Systems.Documents;" shown (36838) * Company: An error is thrown when adding a Customer product (36843) * Inventory Control: Cannot change the Document type from Settings (36860) * WMS: Listing Assigned orders doesn't work properly (36833) * Navigators: Distinct function in grouping and summary not always work correctly for date fields (36633) * Web client: An error is thrown trying to access the Web client (36742) * Web client: Activities: When creating a new Activity from Calendar the Start Time field is not populated correctly (36671) * Client Center: Error Occurs When Opening Due Payments Navigator (36495) * TableAPI: Service is not shut down. Service can not start after that. (35675) * Iventory control: Store Transaction Quantity does not match executed quantity (36684) * Products: Product can be activated with missing required properties inherited from parent product groups (but it should not be) (36763) * Accounting: Obsolete entity "VoucherCorrespondances" available, but it should not be (36721) * UI Change Worker: Missing title of field in pop-up window (36317) * Sales orders - Lines Navigator: Filter by function of Row context menu fails (36716) * Security: Obsolete entity "UserAccessKeys" available, but it should not be (36723) * Server: notifications: There are too many email notifications being received of type "Failed to start website" (36717) * Lease Contracts: Assets Status Panel - user filter not applied by default (36638) * Template Lines: No results displayed when filtering by 'Amount Row' from the Context Menu (35996) * Web client: Using the search field in navigators slows down the opening of their menus (36351) * Server Manager: Licenses: The appearance of the View for All has been damaged (36628) * WMS: There is no translation into Bulgarian for the sub-entities (36675) * Navigators: Incorrect display of record count when utilizing Column Filter (36508) * Warehouse Orders: Error when trying to add new line (36571) * Web Client: In Menu panel the buttons are without spacing (36446) * Navigators: Count function in grouping and summary doesn't work correctly for date fields (36615) * Users: View customization gear of Panels is active, but it should not (36538) * Web Client: Unexpected popup window before throwing an error from а business rule that fails on commit (36667) * Navigators: Display Issues (36637) * TrackChanges: High time consumption when accessing a specific CustomProperty Value (36525) * Warehouses: Wrong name of the Workers panel (36594) * Trusted Applications: Unrestricted access for service users of any type (36590) * Inventory Control: Planned reconcile - an error is thrown trying to delete a row (36355) * Service Objects: Incorrect hint and name for the Serial Number field (36490) * MS Sync breaks links in the Body and Location fields in MS (36485) * Activities: New activities cannot be created within social groups (36546) * Reconciliation Counts: Misspelling in BG hint of field QuantityUnit (36522) * Contacts: Spelling mistake in Contact Mechanism Purposes (36241) * Template Line Properties: Debit and Credit Account Properties dropdown lists are not displaying the correct values (35984) * Products: Update of Custom property skips empty cells (36372) * Server: ID site cannot be started if there is Domain Provider with empty fields (36491) * Social Groups: Chat: Chat-bot's reply is not displayed in chat window until refresh (36461) * Web client: When filtering by '(me)', certain default filters are removed (36443) * Parties: A new party cannot be created (35674) * Calculated attributes: EQUAL not work in some cases (36052) * Web client: The tiles filtered by "(me)" sometimes display wrong value (36330) * Maintenance Profiles: Error is thrown when trying to open the navigator (36240) * Managed Asset Types: Error is thrown when trying to open the navigator (36335) * Assignment Notifications: No records are created in the Notifications table (on insert) (36296) * Store Orders: Error is thrown when trying to create a Child document manually (36307) * Warehouse Plolicies: Custom Routing is missing in Desktop client (36418) * Inventory Control: Reconcile Operation field name is incorrect in Settings (36390) * WEB Client: In My Documents the filter Assigned to user shows the documents assigned to other users (but it shouldn't) (36171) * Document Type: Field "ApplicationName" is not automatically filled in panel Printouts in WEB (36092) * Documents: Child documents is not listed in the Run button (36378) * Receiving Order Lines: A lot cannot be created automatically due to an error for no value in "Lot number" field (36262) * Web Client and Outlook Calendars (MS Sync): Problem - Appointments and Meetings do not transfer private status (36283) * Sales Order: Fiscal Print: Error during the printing (36346) * Reconciliation Counts: The entity is not in the Reconciliation aggregate (36348) * Documents: The Title bar sometimes disappears (36316) * Invoices: Apply Date is not automatically set through generation GenerateInvoices, if Apply Date in parent document is empty (36023) * Instance Manager: Spelling mistake in Procedures (36303) * Documents: The Edit button is still displayed after choosing the Released status (36282) * Users: Error when trying to open record (36280) * Web Client Notifications Panel: Problem - Internal settings pop-up window gets cut off (36259) * Cases: Save icon is not shown when editing "Descriprion" alone in a panel (36278) * Config: System fields in Filter row are not active (36183) * Web Client Leads Navigator: Bug - Navigator does not show total in the header section of the panel (36139) * WEB Client: The Expand all groups/Collapse all groups options do not work as expected (36100) * Cases: When entering Еdit mode the field Description visualize error (36263) * Web client: Document types are shown despite configured otherwise in "Visibility by Enterprise Company" (36211) * Tasks: Function "Create copy" copies State and Completion date to the new Task (36058) * Parties: Add Customers and Suppliers panels in Related panels list (36127) * Web Client Navigators: Possible Bug - Sorting of grouped fields is not being saved to layout (36091) * Web client: Inconsistent Date Formatting in Navigators, Mismatching ISO 8601 Standards (36179) * Vehicles: An error is thrown when trying to open the navigator (36181) * Customers: Error opening the navigator (36136) * Sales: An error for rule "Config.TrackChanges" is always thrown when switching between languages (36177) * Leads: An Error for empty field is NOT thrown when executing UI function Create opportunity (36202) * Dashboard: Tile "My notifications" does not lead to the list of Notifications (36053) * Chats: Mention pop is sometime (much) larger than it should be (36104) * Lead: Creating Opportunity doesn't inherit the field "Campaign" (36142) * Stores: The Code in Party code field in store's definition is not visible (35993) * Error in navigator, when the web client is not used for a while (36025) * Grouping and summary: Button Open is replaced with link NULL (35983) * Service Activity: An error occurs when trying to select a Receiver Person. (35959) * Panel Files: Button + Add does not throw upload pop-up (36013) * Service Activity: When selecting a default service object in the open navigator, the objects are not displayed. (35960) * Opportunities: Line panels is displayed in the form Menu (but it should not) (35950) * Documents: Child documents is not listed in the Run button until refresh (35957) * Purchase Invoices: Apply date can not be set automatically through Generation (35949) * Customer number: An error for Customer number duplication is thrown when adding multiple customers at once (35995) * Companies: Party code is not correctly assigned when creating multiple Parties at once (35974) * Invoice: Printout: Some of the fields appear empty on preview, even though they have values in design mode. (35945) * Companies: Function Create as supplier does not set Supplier Number (35933) * Cannot login in trunk client (35892) * Security: Users: Incorrect password display (35855) * Night builds fail (35871) * Server Manager: Error while opening (35878) * Calculated attributes: When data is loaded through the SELECT operation, the optimization does not work (35768) * Groups: A new group can not be created (35782) * Form Layouts: After saving a new Named layout - the URL of the view does not contain the ID (but it should) (35744) * Inventory management: Reconciliation Lines misspelling (35774) * Navigators: When saving layout, the sorting is not consistently saved (35740) * WMS Worker: Cannot change the Quantity Unit (35669) * Client Center: CC009 check not working properly (35522) * Entities: When adding a new entity settings Display Text Format builder is not showing attributes (35523) TECHNICAL INFORMATION --------------------- Server Version - 24.1 CTP ( Database Version - 24100549 VERSION 24 CTP (06.10.2023) ========================== NEW FEATURES ------------------ RESOLVED ISSUES ------------------ TECHNICAL INFORMATION --------------------- Server Version - 24 CTP ( Database Version - 24100231 VERSION 24 CTP (28.04.2023) ========================== NEW FEATURES ------------------ * Profit Center: Create a new business rule CheckHierarchyForActivation (34833) * Cost Center: Create a new business rule CheckHierarchyForDeactivation (34822) * Profit Center: Create a new business rule CheckHierarchyForDeactivation (34821) * Store Transaction: Change generation of Excise Administrative Document LOG0206 - activatе only if the selected store is Excise (34799) * Deals: Add a new field – а reference to Marketing Campaigns (34815) * My Groups: Improve internal design and performance (34740) * User Business Rules: The execution error to contain the 'Name' of the rule (34783) * Sales Order Lines: Add tests for applying discounts from Promotional Packages in combination with level discounts (34722) * Invoices: Rewrite the "ParentSalesOrderLineQuantiyUnit" business rule (28121) * NRA: Hide the section N-18 from site (34749) * Web client: Opening links in new tab in navigators (34662) * Cost Center: Add new field Is_Active (34467) * Domain API: Product reference in Crm.ProductPrices to be filterable (34523) * Profit Center: Add new field Is_Active (34466) RESOLVED ISSUES ------------------ * Global Search: Unexpected search results when searching with no leading '%' and not in default language (34727) * Products: Update request hangs when updating many records (66000) (34298) * Service activities: Generation CRM0701 of Sales orders does not load Prices from Default price list. (34172) TECHNICAL INFORMATION --------------------- Server Version - 24 CTP ( Database Version - 24100071